The Beauty Runway Report: Fall Preview The New Cat Eye Strong brows and graphic liquid-lined eyes made a punk statement at Jean Paul Gaultier....
The Scary Thing Inside Your Toothpaste It reduces plaque, but does it have harmful side effects? A compound added to your toothpaste to protect...
A Cheat Sheet for The Whitest Teeth You just got your teeth bleached – now what? 1. Time it right For best results, use an at-home...
7 Random Things You Didn’t Know About Laughter Consider this your excuse to watch a hilarious YouTube video, stat. Cracking up is pretty much bursting with health...
What He Really Feel About Your Makeup? The billion-dollar colour cosmetics industry only means one thing: that we ladies adore our makeup. As much as some...
Beauty from Inside Out: Exude Natural Confidence Whenever you see the word “exude” mentioned in an article of any kind or when anyone uses it when...
Sunshine and Your Skin’s Safety Many people love the warmth that comes from summer and the sun. An added bonus is the fact that...
Are You Ready for the Bared-Faced Revolution? Some of the most influential figures in fashion are now forgoing make-up altogether. What does this bold step mean...
11 Hottest Celebrity Skin Treatments “I need it now!” For Celebrities, the command goes for pressed juice, Celine bags and skin care. Here, we...
The Secrets of Perfect Summer Skin Oh, Aug: When everything you put on your face just slips right off. We got beauty guru, Eileen Seah,...