Thousands of different radio frequency treatments
Radiofrequency (RF) is one of the most effective anti-aging or cellulite reduction technologies available today.
There are hundreds of radio frequency machines on the market with varying levels of specifications and there are thousands of such treatment providers (typically beauty therapists), also with very different levels of expertise, training and experience.
Even with the same machine, each operator provides a different treatment, according to their knowledge, experience and limitations of the equipment, therefore it can be said that there are thousands of different RF treatments available today.
So, the best way to assess the quality of the treatment you are about to receive is asking questions about the specifications of the machine or the training of the staff.
Depending on reviews in the press or on the internet is not advised, as most such reviews are fake and/or written by ignorant people with no knowledge of the technology, so these reviews usually mislead you instead of enlightening you…
On the other hand, just a few simple questions can show you who knows what they are talking about and who doesn’t.
6 questions to ask before committing to a course of RF treatments for anti-aging or cellulite reduction
Here are the questions to ask, followed by short notes:
1. Do you use bipolar, multipolar, unipolar or monopolar radiofrequency?
Note: Monopolar typically offers the deepest and most effective treatment and the least discomfort.
2. What is the maximum power of your radiofrequency equipment?
Note: Anything less than 200 Watts is a waste of money for body treatment.
3. Do you offer resistive or capacitive radiofrequency?
Note: Resistive treatment is generally deeper, capacitive treatment is generally superficial.
4. What is the frequency of your radiofrequency equipment?
Note: Lower frequencies, 1MHz or less, tend to offer deeper treatment; higher frequencies, 6MHz or more offer more superficial treatment.
5. Does your equipment allow for frequency selection?
Note: Frequency selection allows the treatment to be focused on cellulite, deep fat, superficial collagen, or deep collagen, according to your needs. No frequency selection means “one-size-fits-all” treatment.
6. How many and which ingredients does your radiofrequency gel contain?
Note: Several natural active ingredients at high concentration will maximise the effectiveness of the treatment, a plain gel or simplistic gel will not be of much help.
How to access the answers
Generally speaking, you will want to have:
- Deeper treatment, as it tends to be more comfortable and more effective;
- High power equipment for better effectiveness; and
- And most importantly, a well-trained, experienced, knowledgeable therapist (this is especially important for RF treatment which is more complicated).
It is easy to assess the expertise available at salon/clinic by judging the answers you receive to the above questions: if nobody at the clinic/salon has a clue about how to answer those questions, then you know that the clinic or salon you visited are not worth spending your money on. And the same applies if treatment specifications (according to the notes) are poor.
On the other hand, if your therapist can answer those questions confidently, and propose a treatment based on the above specifications, then it is most probably worth committing to a course of treatments, always combining it with lifestyle changes (healthy eating, exercise, smoking cessation, reduced alcohol consumption, etc.) in order to achieve maximum results!
For more detailed information on what makes a RF treatment effective click on the link!
The Fabulous Team